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بهره گذاری تقويت کننده تار نوری بسپاری آلاييده به RhoDamine-B

Abstract- The pump and signal evolutions in optical fiber amplifiers have been derived by numerical solution of rate equations. These evolutions are dependent on time, fiber length, and core radius. In steady state, the time variation of electron density of metastable level can be ignored and ordinary rate equations are applicable. But in trasient state, the time dependent rate equations are valid. In this paper, the time dependent rate equations of a RB-doped polymer optical fiber amplifier are numerically solved, to predict the variartion of gain as a function of time and amplifier length.

م. کريمی، ن. گرانپايه، م. ک. مروج فرشی،
دهمين کنفرانس فوتونيک انجمن فيزيک ايران، مرکز بين المللی علوم و تکنولوژی پيشرفته و علوم محيطی ماهان، کرمان، 8-9 بهمن ماه 1382.

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